Browsing by Researcher/Guide Deshpande, H V
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
4-Apr-2017 | New criticism and the modern critical thought in Marathi: A study in influence and reception | Deshpande, H V | Jahagirdar, C J |
9-Mar-2017 | Spiritual quest in selected representative novels about East and West A comparative study | Bhambar, S B | Deshpande, H V |
9-Mar-2017 | The short stories of bret harte A critical study | Mhangore, G S | Deshpande, H V |
3-Dec-2020 | Written composition in functional communication | Deshmukh, Jayendra Anandrao | Deshpande, H V |