Browsing by Researcher/Guide Deshmukh, U M
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
28-Mar-2017 | A study of personnel policies and practices in selected sugar co operatives in Southern Maharashtra | Savant, S B | Deshmukh, U M |
16-Mar-2017 | A study of Urban co operative banks in Kolhapur with special reference to customer services | Shreshthi, Rohini C | Deshmukh, U M |
12-Feb-2015 | An evaluation of attrition and employee retention strategies in selected business process outsourcing BPO units | More, Suryakant Dattatraya | Deshmukh, U M |
9-May-2012 | A study of problems and prospects of Redgram (TUR) crop with reference to cultivation, processing and marketing in Gulbarga district | Honnalli, Shivadattagouda H | Deshmukh, U M |