Browsing by Researcher/Guide Deka Manab

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
11-Dec-2018Association of nasopharyngeal carcinoma with epstein barr virus and host immune responseBorthakur ParikhitDeka Manab
8-Jun-2020Characterization of biosurfactant and hydrocarbon degrading bacteria and their potential use in bioremediation and biomedical fieldKalita ArchanaDeka Manab
14-Jul-2016Characterization of salivary components of blackfly diptera simuliidae endemic to arunachal pradesh causing dermatitis in humanBorah SubhalaxmiDeka Manab
30-Dec-2019Effect of plant extract on regression of liver disease with special reference to SIRT1 geneSharma ManashreeDeka Manab
4-Jul-2018Expression and polymorphism study of toll like receptor with respect to hepatitis a virus infection in assamKashyap PriyankaDeka Manab
14-Jun-2016Identification and probiotic characterization of intestinal lactic acid bacteria isolated from the infant faecesHuidrom SangeetaDeka Manab
10-Apr-2017Molecular epidemiology of cervical cancer development a hospital based studyDas Chandana RayDeka Manab
8-Jan-2019Molecular epidemiology of Hepatitis B Virus infection in north east india and the associative role of leptin and adiponectin in hepatitis B virus mediated liver diseaseKumari NamrataDeka Manab
7-Jan-2020Production of Recombinant Adiponectin in Insect Cell Lines and Association of Genetic Polymorphisms with Expression of Adipor1 and Adipor2Kordafshari MortezaDeka Manab
7-Jan-2020Production of Recombinant Protein Adiponectin in Mammalian Cell Lines and Study of Genetic Variation of Adiponectin Leptin Leptin ReceptorKhandouzi MajidDeka Manab
16-Mar-2017Study the role of wnt and#946; catenin signaling cascade in the development and progression of gall bladder diseases and carcinomaDeblakshmi Raj KumariDeka Manab