Browsing by Researcher/Guide Dash, Jyotirmayee

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
9-Feb-2022Design and synthesis of thiazole polyamides for DNA recognitionDutta, DebasishDash, Jyotirmayee
26-Jun-2019Design and synthesis of water soluble G quadruplex DNA binding ligandsPanda, DeepanjanDash, Jyotirmayee
30-Jan-2019Female uplift in Orissa 1803 1947Dash, JyotirmayeePradhan, A C
28-Jul-2017Female uplift in Orissa 1803 to 1947Dash, JyotirmayeePradhan, A C
5-May-2021I motif DNA secondary structure in cancer therapeuticsSaha, PujaDash, Jyotirmayee
3-Nov-2023Insights into nucleic acid secondary structures and biomimetic synthetic ion channels by molecular probesPaul, RajDash, Jyotirmayee
20-Sep-2024Molecular approaches for intervening biological functions of DNA secondary structuresKhushnood FatmaDash, Jyotirmayee
22-Dec-2021Nucleoside derived supramolecular architecturesBhattacharyya, TanimaDash, Jyotirmayee
7-Feb-2022Ring closing metathesis based approaches for indole and fused indole heterocycles from oxindole building blocksMandal, TirthaDash, Jyotirmayee
27-Jun-2019Small molecule mediated regulation of G quadruplex DNADebnath, ManishDash, Jyotirmayee
22-Nov-2023Synthesis and biological evaluation of naturally occurring alkaloidsKarmakar, ShilpiDash, Jyotirmayee
17-May-2021Synthesis of biologically active heterocyclic compounds using C H activationMaiti, SubhadipDash, Jyotirmayee
21-Aug-2023Targeting DNA secondary structures and exploring their structural versatility in DNA nanotechnologyChaudhuri, RitapaDash, Jyotirmayee
3-Jan-2022Targeting secondary nucleic acid structures with small moleculesPaul, RakeshDash, Jyotirmayee
14-Feb-2022Triazole Prolinamide promoted organic transformations in aqueous media application towards the synthesis of bioactive scaffoldsChakraborti, GargiDash, Jyotirmayee