Browsing by Researcher/Guide Dasgupta, Rajib

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28-Aug-2023A study of the determinants of household food security and their impact on the nutritional status of women in the slums of Ghaziabad citySaxena, ShikhaDasgupta, Rajib
10-May-2022A Study of the Interface between Health Services and ICDS in Indore District of Madhya PradeshMasih, KetharinDasgupta, Rajib
20-Jun-2017A survey of the state of equal opportunity in some select corporate houses in KolkataDe, KushalDasgupta, Rajib
21-Jun-2024An enquiry into integration of Ayush in the public Health system for prevention and control of non communicable diseases a health systems perspectiveAnthony, K RanjuDasgupta, Rajib
18-Feb-2023Application of emotional intelligence towards managing human resources in the Indian service sector a study of some selected corporate houses in KolkataSircar, ShouvikDasgupta, Rajib
11-Oct-2017Changing face of retailing a survey of selected shops in KolkataBhaduri, MohuaDasgupta, Rajib
16-Jun-2014Cholera in Delhi: a study of time trends and its determinantsDasgupta, RajibQuadeer, Imrana and Priya, Rita
18-Feb-2023Consumer perception of ethics in advertising a study based on KolkataDas, ChandrimaDasgupta, Rajib
25-Jul-2017Consumerism and social marketing a case study of CalcuttaDasgupta, RajibMukerjee, Ranjugopal
8-Aug-2024Examining the nutrition security in the climate sensitive mountain region to evolve a framework for community based adaptation a study in Tehri Garhwal district UttarakhandYadav, NehaDasgupta, Rajib
5-Oct-2023Health and Life Outcomes of Children Exposed to Maternal Hiv Infection in Belgaum District KarnatakaS, RAJEEV. N.Dasgupta, Rajib
7-Jun-2022Health Problems of the Left Behinds An Exploratory Study of Chronically Poor Blocks of Ranchi DistrictHoro, MinashreeDasgupta, Rajib
6-Feb-2024Healthcare waste legislation and implications for public health explorations through the one health approachKumar, DineshDasgupta, Rajib
13-Jun-2024Identifying the accessibility barriers for chronic disease management in health care delivery system amongst the urban poor of Kolkata west Bengal IndiaRoy, PriyankaDasgupta, Rajib
9-Feb-2024Infant and young child feeding practices in jharkhand a critical analysis of knowledge and counseling skills of frontline health workersBarla, Kirti RakshitDasgupta, Rajib
27-Sep-2023Leptospirosis in Kerala Understanding the Determinants through a Holistic Epidemiological FrameworkA, NabilDasgupta, Rajib
11-Jun-2024Metabolic syndrome in the Indian context a review of its biological and social determinantsNeog, RandeepDasgupta, Rajib
7-Feb-2014The new public management in healthcare: a case study of Tamil Nadu Medical Services Corporation Limited in Vellore districtSigamani PNayar, K R; Dasgupta, Rajib
27-Jul-2017Outcome of brand extension strategiesn in FMCG Fast Moving Consumer Goods segment-a survey of KolkataSaha, IndraniDasgupta, Rajib
20-Sep-2023Principles of Continuum of Care an Analysis of Nutritional Care and Rehabilitation Programs in IndiaChaand, IpshaDasgupta, Rajib