Browsing by Researcher/Guide Dani, H M

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
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4-May-2016Biochemical effects of nimesulide on alveolar macrophages in lipopolysaccharide induced lung inflammationKaur, KiranjitDani, H M
4-May-2016Biochemical studies on the molecular mechanisms of metal carcinogenesis with special reference to NickelKaur, ParminderDani, H M
4-May-2016Biochemical studies on the structural and functional aspects of cell membranes during chemical carcinogenesisSharma, Krishan KumarDani, H M
4-May-2016Carcinogenicity of isatin its interactions with proteinsSharma, Rajeshwar DDani, H M
5-May-2016Induction of microsomal proteins by carcinogensKhongwir, Bertrand StaffordDani, H M
4-May-2016Mechanism of ribosome membrane interaction and its disruption by carcinogensSingh, JasbirDani, H M
4-May-2016Ribosome membrane interactions and carcinogenicityS C Mittal, RenukaDani, H M
4-May-2016Studies on chemical carcinogens by microsomal degranulation with special reference to tannins and ribosome membrane interactionsGupta, Madan MohanDani, H M
5-May-2016Studies on environmental pollutants as carcinogens and mechanism of carcinogenesis at molecular levelAhuja, Sneh LataDani, H M
4-May-2016Studies on factors controlling biological lipid peroxidationOjha, SudarshanDani, H M
5-May-2016Studies on intestinal brush border membrane in certain nutritional deficiencies in albino ratsAnsari, SafrunDani, H M
4-May-2016Studies on some bioreductants in relation to preparation of microsomes to be used for the detection of carcinogens by degranulation and as microsomal componentsKumar, SunilDani, H M
4-May-2016Studies on the molecular basis of cancer with special reference to cellular membranes and ribosome membrane interactionsSharma, SuchetaDani, H M