Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET
The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access.
Browsing by Researcher/Guide Dandekar, V M
Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
24-May-2017 | A study of Indias imports of machinery and transport equipment with special reference to import policy and import substitution 1960_61 to 1970_71 | Pitre, Vidya | Dandekar, V M |
16-May-2017 | A study of small farmers of drought prone areas with special reference to financing for irrigation | Patole, E S | Dandekar, V M |
16-Jun-2017 | A study of the dairy industry in Poona | Sapre, Harad Ganesh | Dandekar, V M |
22-Sep-2017 | A study of the utilisation of irrigation potential of the purna irrigation project | Ambegaonkar, L W | Dandekar, V M |
31-May-2017 | Crop loan operations of organized credit institutions with particular reference to potato cultivation | Kulkarni, B N | Dandekar, V M |
24-May-2017 | Development of cotton in Kumta_dharwar tract | Rajapurohit, A R | Dandekar, V M |
29-May-2017 | Factors influencing cropping_patterns on individual holdings _Jalgaon District Maharashtra Sate_ | Rahman Mulla, Ghulamdastgir | Dandekar, V M |
25-Jul-2017 | Factors influencing cropping_patterns on individual holdings _Jalgaon District Maharashtra State_ _ Part _ 2 | Rahman Mulla, Ghulamdastgir | Dandekar, V M |
26-Jul-2017 | Financial intermediaries in India a critical appraisal | Rao, B S R | Dandekar, V M |
26-Jul-2017 | Marketing of Tobacco in Guntur District | Rao, T V S | Dandekar, V M |
29-May-2017 | Nature of labour input in agriculture with reference to seasonal unemployment and under employment | Mitra, Ashok Kumar | Dandekar, V M |
28-Sep-2017 | Planned rehabilitation and economic change a case study of Tungabhadra river project rehabilitation colonies at H B Halli | Gajarajan, C S | Dandekar, V M |
23-May-2017 | Planning and implementation of agricultural development in india with special reference to Maharashtra | Venkatesan, V | Dandekar, V M |
24-Jul-2017 | Planning and implementation of agricultural development in India with special referetce to Maharashtra | Venkatesan, V | Dandekar, V M |
25-Jul-2017 | Policies and programmes of cattle development _A case study of a development block in Kerela_ | Prabhakaran, T | Dandekar, V M |
25-Jul-2017 | Problems of socio_economic adjustments of Tripura Jhumias | Misra, Prasanna Misra | Dandekar, V M |
28-Sep-2017 | Processing and marketing of bidi tobacco in nipani tract | Doshi, R R | Dandekar, V M |
20-Jun-2017 | Regulation and economics of the electricity supply industry in Maharashtra the study of a public utility | Bhanage, B S | Dandekar, V M |
25-Jul-2017 | Textile industry in India | Shah, Shital | Dandekar, V M |
28-Sep-2017 | Utilization of long_term finance for new wells in the famine liable areas of Ahmednagar District with special reference to loans advanced by the Ahmednagar District co_operative land development bank_a survey | Kadam, D B | Dandekar, V M |