Browsing by Researcher/Guide Choudhuri, M A
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
24-Jul-2018 | Regulatory mechanisms of senescence in some aquatic angiosperms | Begam, Hasna Hena | Choudhuri, M A |
13-Jul-2018 | Studies in monocarpic senescence of plants | Khan, Ruhul Islam | Choudhuri, M A |
8-Jan-2016 | Studies on the growth and developmental physlology of a weed plant Ruellia tuberosa L with special reference to seed germination and mechanism of photoblasticity | Konar, Karunasindhu | Choudhuri, M A |
16-Jul-2018 | Studies on the mechanism of monocarpic senescence in rice | Ray, Subrata | Choudhuri, M A |
17-Jul-2018 | The role of hydrogen peroxide in the senescence process of excised leaves of some C3 and C4 species | Ghosh, Rama (Mondal) | Choudhuri, M A |