Browsing by Researcher/Guide Chitrakala S
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
7-Mar-2024 | An efficient dyadic human interaction recognition system from videos | Subetha T | Chitrakala S |
7-Nov-2023 | An efficient framework for visual question answering system from images | Aarthi S | Chitrakala S |
10-Sep-2020 | Prediction of information diffusion based on influence spreader identification in an online social network | Kumaran P | Chitrakala S |
28-Jul-2021 | Robust human action recognition system for closely related actions in video | Akila K | Chitrakala S |
9-Dec-2014 | A unified framework for textDetection localization andExtraction from heterogeneous Textual images | Chitrakala S | Manjula D |