Browsing by Researcher/Guide Chellammal, V
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
22-Mar-2016 | Discourse analysis of the technical writing of engineering undergraduates | Rani, PM Usha | Chellammal, V |
21-Mar-2016 | English for engineers an alternative syllabus for engineering colleges in Tamilnadu | Ravindran, T | Chellammal, V |
4-Mar-2016 | Explorations into the black woman s psyche a critical study of select plays of Adrienne Kennedy | Sharmila, L | Chellammal, V |
21-Mar-2016 | Teaching writing to the students of engineering an integrated approach | Sultana, A Shahin | Chellammal, V |