Browsing by Researcher/Guide Chauhan, B S
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
16-Sep-2022 | Digital dialogue challenges and opportunities of social media for brands in India | Zharotia, Ajay | Chauhan, B S |
17-Oct-2016 | Haryana mein dalit netratava ka ubharta sawrup Jila Rohtak va Ambala ke sandarbh mein | Chandra, Subhash | Chauhan, B S |
14-Oct-2016 | Indias nuclear policy a study of credible deterrence | Sharma, Pawan Kumar | Chauhan, B S |
26-Jul-2017 | Morphology and taxonomy of certain cestodes | Capoor, Vireshwar Nath | Chauhan, B S |
26-Jul-2017 | Studies on helminth fauna of India with special reference to digenetic trematodes | Chauhan, Anand Singh | Chauhan, B S |
26-Jul-2017 | Studies on Helminth parasites | Kumari, M Vasantha | Chauhan, B S |
26-Jul-2017 | Studies on Indian copepods | Roy, Tusharendu | Chauhan, B S |
10-Jul-2017 | Studies on the acanthocephalan parasites of vertebrates | Sen, Jahar Kumar | Chauhan, B S |