Browsing by Researcher/Guide Chatterjee, Asoke

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
28-Jul-2017A critical study of the text of the Padma puranaChatterjee, AsokeSastri, Gaurinath
12-Jul-2017A study of vrata with special reference to the worship of Durga from the standpoint of dharmasastraChakraborty, Bharat ChandraChatterjee, Asoke
27-Jul-2017Abhinavagitagovinda of purusottamadeva a critical edition and studyMridha, Bidhan ChandraChatterjee, Asoke
12-Jul-2017Arms and equipments of war in the light of the Indian epicsChakraborti, Chandan KumarChatterjee, Asoke
16-Jun-2017Compassion in Buddhism and puranasChanubala, Phramha PrathaiChatterjee, Asoke
10-Jul-2017Origin and development of vows connected with DurgapujaChakrabarti, SatyanandaChatterjee, Asoke
21-Jun-2017Studies in NalayanaJana, BithikaChatterjee, Asoke
27-Jul-2017Studies in the contribution of Narada in the field of the titles of law vyavaharapadaChakrabarti, Hari ProsadChatterjee, Asoke
14-Jun-2017The basic principles of legal administration in ancient India as known from the Dharmasutras and early DharmasastrasDatta, TriptiChatterjee, Asoke
25-May-2017The critical edition of Kalinityapujavisesapaddhati with a detailed studyNag, IloraChatterjee, Asoke
26-Jul-2017The first mandala of the Rgveda a textual studyBandyopadhyay, Uday ChandraChatterjee, Asoke
26-Jul-2017The organisation and structure of the coal industry of India an analytical study of the organisational and structural pattern of the coal mining industry of indiaChatterjee, AsokeMukherjee, Anil
26-Jul-2017The principal natikas in Sanskrit a comparative and critical approachSimlai, RabikantaChatterjee, Asoke
28-Jul-2017Vedic puranic element in the Bengali folk cultMukhopadhyay, KshetramohanChatterjee, Asoke