Browsing by Researcher/Guide Bose, S K

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Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
10-Jul-2017A new technique of attitude measurementKundu, Gora ChandBose, S K
4-Jun-2018A study of social integration construction of a social integration attitude scaleRoy, BiswanathBose, S K
19-Aug-2024A study of the derivatives of integral functions and meromorphic functionsSrivastav, R PBose, S K
20-Jun-2017Construction and standardisation of a social intelligence testRay, TapatiBose, S K
26-Jul-2017Construction and standardisation of an aptitude test for guidance of school population to the commerce courseBhowmick, RomaBose, S K
22-Sep-2017Control of fungal infections by antifungal antibioticsChattopadhyay, JyotiprakashBose, S K
21-Jun-2017Evaluation of versicolin an antifungal antibioticNandi, JyotirmoyBose, S K
28-Jul-2017Genetic studies on host virus interrelationshipSaha, NamitaBose, S K
22-Sep-2017Localisation and characterisation of enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of mycobacillin by bacillus subtilis B3Mukhopadhyay, Nisith KumarBose, S K
21-Jun-2017Mode of action of mycobacillinMukhopadhyay, SatyabrataBose, S K
7-Jan-2016On the vibrations of multiple circular foundationsChattopadhyay, Tapas KumarBose, S K
21-Jun-2017Optical and photochemical investigations on cobalt complexesChattopadhyay, Siben KumarBose, S K
10-Jul-2017Parental behaviour and childs personality a study of the relationship between parents behaviour and introversion extroversion trait of their children of age 15 17 yearsChaudhuri, AnjaliBose, S K
21-Jun-2017Role of catabolite repression in sporulation of Bacillus subtilisMajumdar, SubrataBose, S K
20-Jun-2017Significance of antibiotic production in relation to spore forming metabolism in bacillus subtilisRay, BuddhadebBose, S K
28-Jul-2017Some growth properties of entire dirichlet series the growth and structures algebric and ropological of a class of entire dirichlet seriesChakraborty, B CBose, S K
20-Jun-2017Some investigations in the theory of integral functionsSen, Mridul KantiBose, S K
28-Jul-2017Stress distribution at the foot columns on elastic foundationChattoraj, DebidasBose, S K
20-Jun-2017Studies on genetic transformation of cancerous cells with reference to a biochemical traitMazumder, AlakanandaBose, S K
21-Jun-2017Studies on metal complexes with special reference to goldBandyopadhyay, KarunamayBose, S K