Browsing by Researcher/Guide Bhuva, B P
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
11-Mar-2016 | A study on consumer behaviour of middle class in organised and unorganised retailing of selected districts in Gujarat | Patel, Dipakkumar Vitthalbhai | Bhuva, B P |
5-Mar-2013 | HRD policies and practices of tourism industry an emperical study of selected tourism places in Gujarat | Patel, Abhinav K | Bhuva, B P |
27-Feb-2015 | HRD practices in selected chemical units in Gujarat State | Chhasatiya, Pushpaksinh V | Bhuva, B P |
6-Mar-2013 | HRD strategies and practices of hotel indsutry a study of selected hotels in Gujarat | Rajput, Kamlesh R | Bhuva, B P |
11-Feb-2015 | HRD strategies and practices of hotel industry a study of selected hotels in Gujarat | Rajput, Kamlesh R | Bhuva, B P |