Browsing by Researcher/Guide Bhaskar,S
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
25-Jan-2016 | A sociological study of child labour in sri kalahasti mandal Chittoor District of A P | Subramanyam, T | Bhaskar,S |
19-Apr-2024 | Analytical and Bio analytical Method Development and Validation of Selected Drugs by Using HPLC and LC MS MS | Bhaskar,S | Muralidhar Reddy,P |
25-Jan-2016 | Socio legal perspective of juvemile reformation and prosperity a study with reference to rayalaseema in Andhra Pradesh | Sudarsana Babu, A | Bhaskar,S |
4-Mar-2016 | Women in rural development a sociological study in chittoor district ap | Rukmini, N | Bhaskar,S |