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19-Mar-2024Administration of defence lands in cantoments of uttar pradeshMisra Anil KumarBarthwal C P
19-Mar-2024Army welfare administration for separated families a study of lucknow cantonmentSingh RitaBarthwal C P
19-Mar-2024Bureaucracy and the challenges of the twenty first century a study of the state of utt ar pradeshLakhtakia AbhishekBarthwal C P
27-Mar-2024Community administration in women self help groups Whsgs a comparative study in the state of uttar pradeshChauhan Dushyant SinghBarthwal C P
26-Mar-2024Cooperative movement in central upVarshney DharmendraBarthwal C P
6-Jun-2024Employees behaviour and scope for motivational techniques a study of sanjay gandhi postgraduate institute of medical sciences lucknowRam RamjeetBarthwal C P
26-Mar-2024Financing of medical and health care with special reference to tertiary superspeciality hospitalChandra HemBarthwal C P
21-Mar-2024Geographical analysis of population a case study of kannauj districtGupta GargiBarthwal C P
21-Mar-2024Geographical analysis of population a case study of kannauj districtGupta GargiBarthwal C P
26-Mar-2024Industrial relations in public enterprises a study in lucknowPal Ram PrasadBarthwal C P
19-Mar-2024Inventory control administration of hospital supplies a study of sanjay gandhi post graduate institute of medical sciences lucknowChandra HemBarthwal C P
4-Mar-2024Janpad astra pr shushan basti janpad ke sandarbh meShriwastav Abhishek KumarBarthwal C P
26-Mar-2024Making agriculture in uitar pradesh competitive through supply chain managefmentBalakrishnan RajaramnBarthwal C P
21-Mar-2024Media management by armed forcesVrc U S BawaBarthwal C P
18-Mar-2024Municipal finances a case study of uttar pradesh 1985 90John RockeyBarthwal C P
21-Mar-2024Organization and working of army resettlement directorate a case study of uttar pradeshChatterjee Col PanchananBarthwal C P
10-Mar-2024Physical and human analysis of lucknow region a geographical approachChoudhary PriyankaBarthwal C P
27-Mar-2024Prison administration a case study of lucknowRahman Shahnawaz UIBarthwal C P
19-Mar-2024Quality of work life in hindustan aeronautics ltdChandra SubhashBarthwal C P
4-Mar-2024Uttar Pradesh grameen vikas ke antargat dr ambedkar gram vikas yojnaKumar SureshBarthwal C P