Shodhganga : a reservoir of Indian theses @ INFLIBNET
The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access.
Browsing by Researcher/Guide Banerjee, Kalyan
Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
7-Nov-2023 | Bauddha Vaisesika O Nyaya Darsane sabda Ekti Tulanamulak Samiksha | Paul, Sujit Kumar | Banerjee, Kalyan |
10-Jul-2017 | Biochemical and immunological studies on shigella dysenteriae 1 studies on the biochemical mechanism of pigmentation of S dysenteriae 1 by congo red and hemin | Mukhopadhyay, Sipila | Banerjee, Kalyan |
24-Jul-2017 | Isolation partial purification and characterization of non structural protein_NS1_of Japanese encephalitis virus | Sayeed, Eddy | Banerjee, Kalyan |
7-Oct-2015 | Nayay vaishesik darahane britti | Banerjee, Kalyan | |
2-Feb-2017 | Polypeptide analysis of certain alpha and flaviviruses | Deshmane, Satish L | Banerjee, Kalyan |
31-Jan-2017 | Polypeptide analysis of certain alpha and flaviviruses | Deshmane, Satish L | Banerjee, Kalyan |
3-Apr-2017 | Preparation of arboviral vaccine _ a new approach through immuno_stimulating complexes _ISCOMs_ of Japanese encephalitis virus | Yeolekar, Leena R | Banerjee, Kalyan |
20-Jun-2017 | Studies of some aspects of blood groups of macaca radiata and presbytis entellus monkeys | More, K N | Banerjee, Kalyan |
24-Jul-2017 | Studies on certain biochemical parameters in guinea pigs infected with Coxiella burnetii | Joshi, Manohar V | Banerjee, Kalyan |
29-Mar-2017 | Studies on some immunological aspects in arbovirus infections with special reference to japanese encephalitis virus | Kelkar, Shobhana D | Banerjee, Kalyan |
31-Mar-2017 | Studies on the morphology and in vitro hematopoiesis of bone marrow and peripheral blood cells in HIV disease | Basu, Atanu | Banerjee, Kalyan |