Browsing by Researcher/Guide Balaji S

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
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3-Sep-20213D visualization and segmentation of magnetic resonance images of the neonatal brain using mathematical morphologyRamani RBalaji S
16-Dec-2023a population based case control study on the determinants of low birth weight in a rural block of tiruvallur district tamil naduBalaji SGomathy Parasuraman
18-May-2018An analysis on retrospective of agile methodology versus traditional approach for effective software development in IT industryBalaji SSundararajan M
12-Jul-2021An approach of applying machine learning for battery optimization and range prediction for light duty commercial electrical truckBalaji SDevi Shree J
5-Apr-2018De noising algorithms for images corrupted by impulse noiseManohar KoliBalaji S
7-Feb-2020Development and evaluation of keratin based biomaterial for tissue engineering applicationsBalaji SSehgal P K
22-Feb-2024Dinitrogen fixation in monoxenic cultures of myxomycete plasmodia an associative symbiosisBalaji SIndira Kalyanasundaram
19-Oct-2020Energy efficient deployment of sensors using wavelets and evolutionary algorithmsBalaji SArivudainambi D
19-Oct-2020Enhancing the biomethanation of poultry litter by improving the carbon nitrogen ratio of the feedstockBalaji SSakthivel M
27-Jul-2017Epr spectroscopy investigations of vo ii cu ii and mn ii ions doped zinc malonate complexesGeetha PBalaji S
3-Jan-2022Evaluation and biochemical analysis of siddha herbal ug seenthil sarkkaraiBalaji SSubash Chanan G
13-Feb-2017Experimental and numerical Investigation on behavior of Reinforced slurry infiltrated fibrous Concrete structural membersBalaji SThirugnanam G S
27-Sep-2024Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithm for Intrusion Detection in Internet of ThingsBalaji SG Dhanabalan
19-Oct-2020Investigations on intrusion detection system for dos attacks in wireless sensor networksBalaji SSasilatha T
21-Nov-2017Molecular mechanism underlying transient gestational onset hypothyroidism induced impairment of post testicular sperm maturation in Wistar ratsBalaji SMichael Aruldhas M
27-Jul-2017Single crystal epr studies of first row transition metal ions in dia and para magnetic host latticesHema RBalaji S
5-Aug-2019Study of single event transients in CMOS timing generator and the Impact on its performanceBalaji SMeganathan D
20-Nov-2019Surfactant molecular adsorptions and interfacial interactions with solid and polymer microlatex surfacesBalaji SSanthanalakshmi J
27-Nov-2014Synthesis and characterization of Limn2o4 doped limn2o4 and ferrites as Electrodes for li ion batteriesBalaji SRamanathan K