Browsing by Researcher/Guide Baig, M M V
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
31-Jul-2018 | Biological control of seed and soil borne plant pathogens for sustainable crop production | Vishweshwar, Aithal Sadanand | Baig, M M V |
24-Sep-2018 | Development of diagnostic methods for detection of plant pathogenic xanthomonads | Suryawanshi, Alkatai Rangrao | Baig, M M V |
24-Sep-2018 | Mapping the biodiversity of seed associated fungi of major rain fed crops | Gunjotikar, Girish Anantrao | Baig, M M V |
2-Aug-2018 | Studies on biological control of grapevine diseases in Marathwada | Annarao, Kadam Jambuwant | Baig, M M V |
24-Sep-2018 | Use of PCR based markers for study of male sterility in capsicum sp | Khobraji, Suryawanshi Mohini | Baig, M M V |