Browsing by Researcher/Guide Badan, Phool

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
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9-Apr-2024Armenias Diasporic dynamics 1991 2015Kardam, KavitaBadan, Phool
1-Oct-2024Aspects of political development in Kazakhstan 1991 2011Verma, Pawan KumarBadan, Phool
25-May-2022Central Asia-China energy cooperation: implications for Russia, 2001-2013MeenuBadan, Phool
9-May-2014Constitutional development and institution building in Uzbekistan: 1991-2005Inakhiya, Govind KumarBadan, Phool
31-Jul-2024Cultural nationalism in Kazakhstan a strategy for nation building 1999 2019Kuppili, LehariBadan, Phool
21-Nov-2024Evolution of political system in Kazakhstan 1991 2011Rai, Shraddha NandBadan, Phool
12-Jun-2024Federal system in Russia and India a comparative study of institutions and practicesSrivastava, RachitBadan, Phool
20-Mar-2023Foreign Policy of Turkmenistan Iran Factor 1995 2019Begjanov, AmanberdiBadan, Phool
3-Apr-2024Human security in Kazakhstan and India a study of environmental dimensions 1994 2018Kumar, HemantBadan, Phool
23-Sep-2024Multilateralism and regional cooperation in Central Asia 1991 2012Srivastava, AbhishekBadan, Phool
2-Apr-2024Multilateralism and security problems in central Asia the role of Sco and the Csto 1992 2017Rasool, HamidBadan, Phool
23-Jan-2024Nation Building in Central Asia a Case Study of Language Politics 1991 2017Sahu, PreetyBadan, Phool
28-Aug-2024Political change and democracy in Kyrgyzstan 1991 2013Srivastava, PragatiBadan, Phool
28-Aug-2023Political Culture and Democratisation in Uzbekistan 1991 2015Makna, SaniaBadan, Phool
23-Oct-2024Political development in Tajikistan 1991 2010Pal, Lal JiBadan, Phool
2-Jan-2014Problem of democratic transition and human right in Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan: 1991-2004Bhatia, Vijay KumarBadan, Phool
7-Jan-2014Problems of democratic transition and human rights in Kazakhstan and UzbekistanKumar, PramodBadan, Phool
4-Oct-2024Russia India relations during Putins presidency 2000 2008Gaurav, Vijay PratapBadan, Phool
1-Aug-2024Russian policy towards afghan conflict 1996 2018Gupta, Madan MohanBadan, Phool
13-Oct-2023Russias Policy towards the Caspian Region 2001 2015Meena, SunitaBadan, Phool