Browsing by Researcher/Guide Asif, Mazhar

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
8-Jan-2016Contribution of persians to islam during the abbasid period 750 1258 A D a critical studyLaskar, Abdul KhaliqueAsif, Mazhar
17-Oct-2016Humanism in the works sheikh sadi sheeraziLaskar, Masuf AhmedAsif, Mazhar
17-Oct-2016Influence of Persian culture in Assam a case study of the barak valleyChoudhury, Md NizamuddinAsif, Mazhar
8-Jan-2016Influence of sufism on assamese culture and societyBarbhuiya, Shahin AhmedAsif, Mazhar
17-Oct-2016Maulana jalaluddin rumi and Kabir a comparative studyLaskar, Begum Ayesha SultanaAsif, Mazhar