Browsing by Researcher/Guide Anburajan M
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
28-Sep-2017 | Changes in skin surface temperature of selected areas of the body and mechanical variables of blood flow in cardiovascular disease | Jayanthi T | Anburajan M |
16-Oct-2015 | Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus using non-contact infrared thermography | Sivanandam S | Anburajan M |
8-Jan-2018 | Digital Dental Panoramic Radiograph for Assessment of Low Bone Mineral Density a Comparison with Dxa | Kathirvelu D | Anburajan M |
16-Oct-2015 | Evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis using X-ray and thermography | Snekhalatha U | Anburajan M |
16-Oct-2015 | Obesity assessment using various modalities: a comparison with body mass index | Mohan Kishore K B | Anburajan M |