Browsing by Researcher/Guide Ali, Rashid

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3-Mar-2016Anti_ros DNA antibodies as molecular probes for aging and cancerAshok, B TAli, Rashid
20-Oct-2015Biochemical and immunological studies on DNA modified with nicotineVarshney, HarshitaAli, Rashid
19-Oct-2015Biochemical and immunological studies on DNA modified with reactive oxygen speciesAra, JahanAli, Rashid
3-Mar-2016Biochemical and immunological studies on DNA_lysine photoadductIslam, NajmulAli, Rashid
19-Oct-2015Biochemical and immunological studies on hydroxyl radical modified poly ITasneem, SubiaAli, Rashid
19-Oct-2015Biochemical and immunological studies on poly l_tyrosine exposed to active Nitrogen intermediatesKhan, FoziaAli, Rashid
19-Oct-2015Characterization of nuclear ribonucleoprotein antigen reactive with sera of patients with rheumatic diseasesIshaq, MohammadAli, Rashid
19-Oct-2015Chemical modification of bovine serum albumin and its influence on the stability and the ligand binding properties of the proteinMir, Mohammad MuzaffarAli, Rashid
10-Feb-2020Design and synthesis of some molecular scaffolds photophysical studies and their application in recognition of ionsAli, RashidMisra, Arvind
1-Apr-2024Design synthesis and applications of functionalized calix 4 pyrrolesRather, Ishfaq AhmadAli, Rashid
30-Sep-2024Design synthesis and properties of heterocyclic systems including calix 4 pyrrole based supramolecular receptorsWagay, Shafieq AhmadAli, Rashid
3-Mar-2016Fine antigenic specificity of human anti_DNA autoantibodies against DNA of varying size and conformationAlam, KhurshidAli, Rashid
20-Oct-2015Immunochemical studies on the Z_DNA forming potentiality of native calf thymus DNAAli, NaushadAli, Rashid
19-Oct-2015Immunogenicity of chromatin modified with nitric oxideAfaq, SarahAli, Rashid
19-Oct-2015Immunogenicity of DNA modified with nitric oxideMisra, KiranAli, Rashid
3-Mar-2016Immunogenicity of native DNA in Z_conformationSehgal, VandnaAli, Rashid
19-Oct-2015Immunogenicity of reactive oxygen species modified poly, g and its implication in progressive systemic sclerosisGarg, Deepak KumarAli, Rashid
19-Oct-2015Immunological studies on human chorionic gonadotropinGupta, AmitaAli, Rashid
11-Jul-2016Interaction between psoralen and tyrosinase in presence and absence of U V lightTalib, SohelAli, Rashid
24-May-2024Misinformation Detection in Online Social NetworksReshi, Junaid AliAli, Rashid