Browsing by Researcher/Guide Alagesan, S

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
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1-Jul-2016Effect of different training packages on selected cardiac risk factors and physiological fitness variables among middle aged menRamesh, SAlagesan, S
4-Jul-2016Effect of protein supplementation on selected physical fitness physiological and biochemical variables among athletes volleyball and basketball players of sports schoolSumathi, RAlagesan, S
4-Jul-2016Effect of varied regimen of exercise programmes on health related physical fitness components and physiological variables of low fitness level software engineering male studentsKumaresan, O JAlagesan, S
7-Jul-2016Physical and physiological responses resulting from walking walking with stretching exercise program on middle aged obese womenSelvi, L KalaiAlagesan, S
4-Jul-2016Physical and physiological responses resulting from walking walking with stretching exercise program on middle aged obesity womenSelvi, L KalaiAlagesan, S
4-Jul-2016The effect of specific training and psyche up strategies on selected physiological psychological physical fitness skill and performance variables of adolescent male basketball playersSujatha, BAlagesan, S
4-Jul-2016The effects of preseason psychomotor training package on selected physical and performance parameters of non dominant ARM among cricketersMuralikrishnan, P BAlagesan, S
4-Jul-2016The effects of specific pre season training package on selected physical fitness and cardio pulmonary variables and skill performance of football playersAlagesan, SPushparajan, A