Browsing by Researcher/Guide Agja, Baldev.

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
28-Sep-2017A study of no confidence motions against sarpanchs of banaskantha district 1994 to 2014Purohit, Alpesh. H.Agja, Baldev.
5-Mar-2018Political condition of tribals of the district of sabarkantha a studyDabhi, Kamlesh. P.Agja, Baldev.
10-Jun-2022Political visionary of mahagujarat shri indulal yagnikMakwana, Bharatkumar. P.Agja, Baldev.
23-Feb-2018The speaker in gujarat assembly a study 1960 to 2010Patel, Hitesh. R.Agja, Baldev.