Browsing by Researcher/Guide Agarwal, Ashok
Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
2-Aug-2021 | A critical study of corporate social responsibility in cement industry in Rajasthan | Sharma, Mukesh | Agarwal, Ashok |
30-Jan-2017 | An empirical evaluation of web data design pattern illustration with UML for integration in data warehouse | Bekadia, Mithlesh | Agarwal, Ashok |
1-Jun-2023 | Application of balance scorecard as a measure of improving overall performance of regional rural banks in rajasthan | Panday, Dheeraj | Agarwal, Ashok |
19-Jan-2022 | Area Efficient Reconfigurable Architectures for Sample Rate Conversion in SDR Receivers | Agarwal, Ashok | Lakshmi, B. |
26-May-2023 | E reporting system in banks a comparative study of public and private sector banks | Jain, Sonal Bordia | Agarwal, Ashok |
30-Jan-2017 | Evaluation of absolute distributed data scheduling function under global grids in cloud computing | Sharma, Sunil | Agarwal, Ashok |
19-Feb-2016 | Evaluation of knowledge discovery in data processing for improving data mining technique | Vishnu Kumar | Agarwal, Ashok |