Browsing by Researcher/Guide Acharya, Jayashree

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
19-Dec-2017Analysis of emotional intelligence and personality among national level track and field AthletesThomas, MiniAcharya, Jayashree
22-Nov-2013Analysis of flow states and team cohesion in male field hockey playersSaju, SAcharya, Jayashree
26-May-2015Development of physical education activity manual for school children in Kerala StateMathews, BabithaAcharya, Jayashree
12-Jun-2020Effect of Cognitive Interventions and Proprioceptive Training on Psychomotor Attributes among Female AthletesBhosle, ShubhdaAcharya, Jayashree
18-Oct-2018Effect of goal setting on mental toughness and performance among athletesPanda, Susanta KumarAcharya, Jayashree
25-Oct-2011Effect of mental rehearsal and mental depiction on performance tasks involving accuracy, balance, coordination and speed in relation to different age levelAcharya, JayashreeMukherjee, Jayant
12-Jun-2020Effect of suryanamaskar with breathing and mantras on selected psycho physiological variablesSharma, Vineet KumarAcharya, Jayashree
26-Oct-2018Effect of various physical activities on body image and psychological wellbeing of school children at gwaliorSingh, AnkitaAcharya, Jayashree
15-Dec-2017Enzyme inhibitory properties of some edible flowers of West BengalAcharya, JayashreeDe, Bratati
22-Nov-2013Gender differences in attitude towards physical activity, sports orientation and locus of control of school students in KeralaJoseph, ChackoAcharya, Jayashree
15-Jul-2015Psychological profiling of Indian track and field athletesKhan, L ArifAcharya, Jayashree
23-Jun-2014Psychophysiological stress profiling during various stages of training for elite badminton playersJames, RenoshAcharya, Jayashree
21-Oct-2014Relationship between athletic coping skill and cognitive coping strategies among national level athletes of various sportsAnjali, OAcharya, Jayashree
18-Oct-2018Support infrastructure and performance of Indian elite badminton players An analytical studySanyal, SaonAcharya, Jayashree