Browsing by Researcher/Guide A.VENKATACHALAM
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
31-Jul-2023 | A study on performance of dairy farming and its correlates in Madurai district | A.C. KANNAN | A.VENKATACHALAM |
31-Jul-2023 | An empirical study on coffee plantation in Tamil nadu with special reference to small grower sector and its workers | R.BHUVANENDIRAN | A.VENKATACHALAM |
7-Jan-2023 | Bank employees perception on human resource management with reference to dindigul | P.BANUPRIYA | A.VENKATACHALAM |
3-Aug-2023 | Consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction in rural markets a study in Madurai district | R. DHANALEKSHMI | A.VENKATACHALAM |
17-Jul-2023 | Service quality in commercial banks in Madurai | B. ANBAZHAGAN | A.VENKATACHALAM |