Browsing by Researcher/Guide Patel, S R

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Showing results 25 to 44 of 49 < previous   next >
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16-Jul-2024Reactions of hydroxyquinolinesChoxi, Gopalbhai ShankerlalPatel, S R
8-Jul-2024Some aspect of polymer chemestryPatel Jagdishbhai LalubhaiPatel, S R
5-Jul-2024Some aspect of the chemistry of 6 7 methylenedioxy and 6 Methyl 4 oxoouinazolinesShah, Nalinkumar RamanlalPatel, S R
5-Jul-2024Some aspect of the chemistry of quinazolone sulfonamidesThakkar, Rajnikant KanjibhaiPatel, S R
23-Jul-2024Some aspects of polymer chemistry friedel crafts polymers from pxdcPatel, Jagdishbhai LallubhaiPatel, S R
19-Jul-2024Some aspects of the chemistry of 6 7 methylenedioxy and 6 methyl 4 0xoqu inazoli nesNaik, nalinkumar RamanlalPatel, S R
12-Jul-2024Some aspects of the chemistry of 4 0xoquinazolinesMehta, Hasmukhlal JagjivandasPatel, S R
4-Jul-2024Some aspects of the chemistry of 4 oxoqinazolinesMehta, Hasmukhlal JagjivandasPatel, S R
12-Jul-2024some aspects of the chemistry of quinazolone sulf onamidesThakkar, Rajanikant KanjibhaiPatel, S R
11-Mar-2016Some contribution to linear models and design of experimentsPatel, Nirishbhai PunambhaiPatel, S R
11-Mar-2016Statistical inference for non regular family of distributionsBhatt, Milind bhanuprasadPatel, S R
9-Jul-2024Step growth condensation polymerizationPatel Surekha RaojibhaiPatel, S R
19-Jul-2024Studies in polycondensationPatel, Ramanbhai NaranbhaiPatel, S R
19-Jul-2024Studies in synthetic dyesPatel,Ashwinkumar ChhotabhaiPatel, S R
16-Jul-2024Study of the reactivity of 4 chloroquinoline and 2 chloroquinolinePatel, Jagdish GordhanbhaiPatel, S R
12-Jul-2024Synth esis and spectral study of pyranoquinolinesChoxi, Chandravadan ShankerlalPatel, S R
23-Jul-2024Synthesis and characterization of new poly keto aminesPatel, Surekha VipinbhaiPatel, S R
23-Jul-2024Synthesis and characterization of poly alkylene arylene 2 4 bisquinazonyl aminePatel, Pravinbhai KantibhaiPatel, S R
8-Jul-2024Synthesis and chatracterization of polyPatel, Pravinbhai KantibhaiPatel, S R
8-Jul-2024Synthesis and study of copolymers of maleimides and bismaleimidesPatel Subhaschandra HirabhaiPatel, S R