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14-Mar-2018Combating aflatoxin and other free radical inducers using amrita bindu studied in albino ratsKavitha Lakshmi S.NPanneerselvam C
28-Mar-2018Cumulative effects of L Carnitine and DL and#945; Lipoic Acid on age associated alterations in rat brainAnusuya Devi MPanneerselvam C
5-Apr-2018Development of immunodiagnostics and immunotherapy for Thevetia Nerifolia Yellow Oleander ToxicosisSundaravadivel BPanneerselvam C
5-Apr-2018Effect of Alpha Lipoic Acid and meso 2 3 Dimercapto Succinic Acid DMSA on arsenic induced toxicity in rat lungKokilavani VPanneerselvam C
2-Apr-2018Effect of Centella Asiatica extract on age related alterations in rat brainSubathra MPanneerselvam C
22-Mar-2018Effect of L Carnitine and DL and#945; Lipoic Acid on mitochondrial bioenergetics with special reference to Cytochrome C oxidase and apoptosis in skeletal muscle aged ratsTamilselvan JPanneerselvam C
5-Apr-2018Effect of L Carnitine supplementation on age associated biochemical alterations in rat mitochondiaKalaiselvi TPanneerselvam C
13-Mar-2018Evaluation of neuroprotective role of lcarnitine in aged ratsJuliet arockia rani PPanneerselvam C
14-Mar-2018Immunomodulatory action of l carnitine in aged rats an in vitro and in vivo studyThilakavathy TPanneerselvam C
8-Dec-2017Impact Of Antioxidant Vitamins Supplementation On The Progression Of Human Senile CataractLalitha Priya SPanneerselvam C
8-Dec-2017Impact Of L Carnitine Administration On The Altered Biochemical Functions During Ageing In RatsKumar PPanneerselvam C
5-Apr-2018Modulation of the activity of urinary com binding protein by vitamin E treatment on hyperoxaluriaPadmavathi CPanneerselvam C
22-Mar-2018Potential role of Solanum Trilobatum extract on oxidative stress and apoptosis in erythrocytes of aged ratsKanchana MPanneerselvam C
29-Jan-2018Protective role of vitamin E on the oxidative stress associated with multiple drug therapy in leprosy patientsVijayaraghavan RPanneerselvam C
2-Apr-2018Role of grape seed extract on oxidatively stressed erythrocytes in aged ratsSangeetha PPanneerselvam C
29-Jan-2018Selenium regresses oxidative stress and fortifies salubrity in human oral squamous cell carcinoma undergoing therapeuric irradiationNarchonai EPanneerselvam C
14-Mar-2018Studies on arsenic intoxication in rat brain role of dl and#945; lipoic acidShila SPanneerselvam C
15-Dec-2017Studies on brain mitochondrial dysfunction in aged rats modulatory role of L carnitineHaripriya DPanneerselvam C
5-Apr-2018Studies on mitochondrial structure and functional alteration in aged rat skeletal muscle role of L carnitine and DL and#945; Lipoic AcidKumaran SPanneerselvam C
5-Apr-2018Studies on oxidative stress mediated mitochondrial damage in rat heart during aging process role of carnitine and lipoic acidSavitha SPanneerselvam C