Browsing by Researcher/Guide Mishra, A K

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Showing results 69 to 87 of 87 < previous 
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22-Mar-2022Taxonomic study of family Coccinellidae Insecta Coleoptera from Punjab Haryana and UttarakhandMishra, A KYousuf, Mohd.
18-Aug-2017The colonial encounter in the novels of Chinua AchebeSingh, PriyankaMishra, A K
1-Feb-2016The existential quest in selected American playsSharma, Vishal KumarMishra, A K
21-Aug-2017The existential quest in the plays of Tennessee WilliamsPandey, Sunil KumarMishra, A K
18-Aug-2017The Gandhian ethos in post independence Indian English fictionRawat, RenuMishra, A K
17-Aug-2017The Gandhian theme in Indo Anglian fictionMisra, B LMishra, A K
17-Aug-2017The novels of Anita Desai a thematic studySrivastava, VandanaMishra, A K
17-Aug-2017The novels of Bhabhani Bhattacharya A study in theme and techniqueSingh, HarendraMishra, A K
1-Nov-2017The novels of R K Narayan A study of socio cultural realityTiwari, KanalataMishra, A K
18-Aug-2017The Plays of harold pinter a study in dualismSrivastava, ShyamanandaMishra, A K
24-Jan-2018The plays of Harold Pinter A thematic studySharma, AshitaMishra, A K
8-Feb-2016The portrayal of women in the partition novels of Chaman Nahal Manohar Malgaonkar and Khushwant SinghRai, SmitaMishra, A K
21-Aug-2017The portrayal of women in the partition novels of Chaman Nahal Manohar Malgonkar and Khushwant SinghRai, SmitaMishra, A K
17-Aug-2017The quest for cultural identity in the novels of Ruth Prawer JhabvalaOjha, Yogendra NathMishra, A K
17-Aug-2017The religious quest in the poetry of R S ThomasRai, AnitaMishra, A K
14-Aug-2017The use of myth in the novels of Raja Rao and R K NarayanSingh, AshutoshMishra, A K
18-Aug-2017Theme and tragic vision in the plays of eugene oneillChaturvedi, GauravMishra, A K
1-Sep-2017Use of myth in the plays of Eugene O NeillPathak, PriyaMishra, A K
29-Aug-2017Vision of life in the novels of Anita DesaiSanadhya, NisthaMishra, A K