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Showing results 59 to 78 of 86 < previous   next >
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13-Jun-2022Samastha Natak by Lakshminarayana Mirsha Aake Vivechankumari Nagoshavarava-
3-May-2021Shudhawaith Vedant Anusar Shrimad Bhagavat Geetanu AdhayanDesai,Punita-
21-Apr-2021Studies In Complexes Of KetoXimes And Their Analytical ApplicationsNaik,Nanubhai.Dayalji-
17-Sep-2019Studies in naturally occurring hydroxyanthraquinone pigmentsBhide, N S-
17-Sep-2019Studies in pulsed liquid_liquid extraction column and the effect of physical properties of systems on its flow capacityPotnis, G V-
7-May-2019Studies in the historical and cultural geography and ethnography of the DeccanMulay, Sumati-
25-Jul-2022Studies on binary vapor liquid equilibria Data measurement correlation and predictionRavi Prasad, A-
21-Apr-2021Studies On Chalcones And Related CompoundsTrivedi,Himanshu.M-
21-Apr-2021Studies On Chalcones And Related Compounds And Chalcone Oximes As Analytical ReagentsNaik,Kirit.N-
22-Jul-2022Studies on nematode parasites with special reference to host _parasite relationshipNija, C-
13-Jun-2022Studies on some Molybdenum Complees and their Analytical ApplicationK.VenuGopala Rao-
3-May-2021Studies On Syntheses And Hetrocyclic Compounds And Their Anti Bacterial ActivityDesai,Anand.S-
5-Jan-2023Studies on the kidneys of teleostean fishes _ Volume 2 _Illustrations_Elizabeth, T K-
9-Nov-2021Studies on the Morphology Bionomics and Control of Some Indian AgromyzidaePandey, Narendra Deo-
19-Sep-2019Studies on the structure and life history of anisogonium esculentum presl and acrostichoid ferns of Bombay stateBiswas, Tripati-
11-Sep-2019Studies on Yeasts of some tropical fruitsRale, Vinaykumar B-
24-Aug-2021Study of synthesis of superheavy elements through nuclear fusion reactionsAman Deep-
27-Jun-2024Study on the effect of Growth regulators on the Germination of groundnut seedsVyas, Di neshchand ra Natva r lal-
1-Oct-2021Suitability of Some Indian BauxitesOgale, O K-
21-Apr-2021Surface _ And Colloid_ Chemical Behaviour of Amphiphiles In Solution With Special Reference To Block CopolymersBahadur,Pratap-