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Showing results 22 to 41 of 86 < previous   next >
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
21-Apr-2021Effect Of Electrolytes On the Viseosity Of Clay_SlipsChaudary,Gurudatta-
1-Sep-2022Effectiveness of an instructinal module based on select models of teaching for enhancing mathematical abilities among secondary school studiesJayasree, T K-
11-Sep-2019Experimental study of morphogenesis and induction in the chick embryo using nucleic acid anti_metabolitesRao, Vatsala R-
21-Apr-2021Forward Scattering Techniques In The Measurement Of PolydispersityDesai,Ramesh.Venkatesh-
18-Jul-2022Growth strategies for an integrated steel plant A system dynamics approachKakollu, Raja Divakar Roy-
23-Aug-2021Hindi Kavita mai Uplabadh Lokokantyo mai Kavya Sanskrati Dharm Aur DarshanSharma, Madan Laal-
11-Sep-2019Historical and cultural geography of venadu _travancore_ c_A_D_ 1124_1729Chackochan, P L-
7-May-2019Historical Grammar of MiddleTelugu_with special reference to the works of Kavitraya_Ayyagari, Narasimhamurty-
4-Oct-2021Indian Tax Reforms_ an Assessment of Initiatives_ Trends and ImpactVadikar, Prashant I-
13-Jun-2022Karunarasamu AndhravangmayamuN.Radhakrishna-
13-Oct-2022Malayala thirakatha charithamAnithakumary, T-
13-Jun-2022Marriage Family And Kinship of the Saoras of Andhara PradeshM Suryanarayana M.A-
1-Jun-2021Medicinal Plants and Preparations Used for the Management of Certain Water Borne DiseasesTandon, Neeraj (Nee Bhatla)-
4-Oct-2021Micellar Behavior of Some Ionic And Nonionic Surfactants And Their Mixtues In Aqueous SolutionAnkleshwaria, Hemant M-
2-Aug-2021Monetary aggregation and monetary aggregates some issues and evidence for IndiaRamachandran M-
28-Dec-2022Nilakanthakaviyum adehathinte bhashacampukalum_ oru padanamRamachandran Pillai, T G-
17-Apr-2021Not available--
18-Apr-2021Not Available-Mehta, B V
18-Apr-2021Not Available--