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Showing results 1 to 20 of 32  next >
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7-Jan-2020Activation and functionalizationof organic molecules using N N dibromo P ToluenesulfonamideRajbongshi Kamal KrishnaPhukan Prodeep
19-Sep-2013Conformations of molecules containing and#960; systems: matrix isolation infrared and AB initio studiesKar, Bishnu PrasadSundararajan, K
3-Nov-2016Correlation between thin film morphology and performance of devices based on phthalocyanine pentacene and rubrene moleculesSharma,AkankshaGhosh,Subhasis
11-Jul-2016Development and utilization of moleclar descriptors for the prediction of physicochemical and biological properties of moleculesDutt, RohitMadan, A K
13-Apr-2022Discerning structure property correlation towards the activation of small moleculesMohammed AzeezullaSailaja Krishnamurty
6-Jan-2014Diversity oriented organic synthesis of biologically important moleculesDas, Sajal KumarPanda, Gautam
14-May-2015Electronic structures and properties of some molecules of biological and medicinal importanceShrivastava, ParulSingh, R A
10-Feb-2020Elicitation of defense related molecules caused by biological and chemical inducers against Fusarium wilt of tomatoZehra, AndleebUpadhyay, R. S.
7-Jan-2014Experimental investigations on physical properties of some novel liquid crstals with Banana-Shaped and rod -like moleculesKundu, BrindabanR. Pratibha
14-Nov-2014Functionalised macro molecules synthesis characterisation and applicationSutariya, Pinkesh GMenon, S K
10-Dec-2014Measurment of electron scattering cross sections of molecules at low energiesRawal,PrashantKumar,Vijay
16-Mar-2017Network of molecules implicated in obesityJagannadham, JaisriRawal, Kamal
15-Jan-2018New strategy for development of organic intermediates and their utilization in synthesis of novel bio active moleculesVekariya, Rajesh H.Patel, Hitesh D.
11-Dec-2014Photoabsorption studies of molecules at different temperaturesPrahlad,VKumar,Vijay
13-May-2014Role of adhesion molecules in T cell responsesParameswaran, NeethaGeorge, Anna
21-Jan-2014Role of glycosylphospha tidylinositol (GPI) related cell surface molecules of leishmania donovani in protein kinase C mediated signal transduction in macrophagesChawla, MamtaVishwakarma, R A
9-May-2015Scattering of electrons with molecules of biological relevance and targets of industrial application a theoretical studyKorot, Kirti MP C Minaxi Vinodkumar
22-Sep-2017Solid phase synthesis of libraries of heterocyclic molecules and further functionalization by cross coupling reactionsKundu, SamirBasu, Basudeb
13-Jan-2015Some investigations in search of potential bioactive molecules of natural and synthetic originBordoloi, Prasanta KumarBordoloi, Manobjyoti
1-Dec-2014Structural studies of synthetic molecules of biological importanceKumar, Rishi.Maulik, Prakas R