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6-Jan-2017A study of b k baruas ideas on society culture and history in the perspective of colonial modernity in indiaSaikia Kamal Ch.Bora Dilip
23-Feb-2017A study of culture change among the tiwas of morigaon district of assamBorah Krishna KumarBaruah Upala
7-Jan-2020Asamar Thengal kachari janagusthir samaj sanskriti narir bhumika parampara aru parivartanSaikia BornaliBaruah Bijoya
31-Dec-2014Biology, culture and ageing : A comparative studyMishra, AbhaKapoor, A K
22-Oct-2013The Buddhist Religion and culture during 20th century in Uttar PradeshAshok, Bhim Priyan.d.
20-Mar-2020Car festival of Puri A study in History and cultureKaran, Rama ChandraPani, Susmita Prasad
2-Jan-2015Changing aspects of work culture and employment practices in Japan : 1994 to 2004Yata, NanditaPrabhakar, H S
12-Apr-2018Char anchalar masmaria sakalar utsav parban aru geet mat eti adhyayanKalita BandanaDeka Umesh
6-Jan-2014DE/Siring women: re-addressing gender relations in india novelsPillai, Sharon.Paranjape, Makarand
26-Jun-2018Determination of molecular phylogeny of yeasts isolated from traditional starter cultures of assam with emphasis on pigment characterization of pigment producing isolatesParasar, Deep PrakashSarma, Hridip Kr. and Kotoky, Jibon
20-Mar-2018Dhuburi Jilar samaj aru sanskritiDas Karuna KantaDevi Pranita
19-Apr-2018Dimasa sakalar utsav parban aru geet matLangthasa Bobby DaudungDeka Umesh
4-Apr-2014Education of Tibetan refugees in India: issues of culture, ethic identity and opportunityMallicaNambissan, Geetha
31-Dec-2013Education, culture and health practices: socialisation and AIDS awareness among students in ManipurSingh, Nameirakpam SamungouRao, Srinivasa
1-Jan-2014Enviroment and history: a study of the interface of ecology and culture in the brahmaputra valley during the during the pre-ahom periodMichael, Alka FranciscaMukherjee, Aditya
31-Dec-2013Environment and history: a study of the interface of ecology and culture in the brahmaputra valley during the during the pre-ahom periodMichael, Alka FranciscaMukherjee, Aditya
28-Nov-2014Faith and market culture : a socio cultural study of PushkarThakur, RakeshGandhi, J S
29-Apr-2014A history of conscience and mentality of christian missionaries and converts: 1800-1950Bakshi, Shiv Shakti NathJosh, Bhagwan
28-Nov-2014History, culture, identity : a study of intellectual developments in colonial Tamil NaduGangatharan, ABhattacharya, Sabyasachi
1-Jan-2015Human leucocyte culture and genetic studies of human breast cancerDeshpandeiKr, Trivikram MShyama, S K