Browsing by Keyword Widowhood

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
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1-Sep-2017A sociological study of alienation among senior citizens in relation to religiosity life satisfaction and widowhood A sociological study based on senior citizensAnand, VintiAlam, Mohd Jahurool
17-Aug-2017Alienation religiosity death anxiety and widowhood A study of senior citizensSrivastava, KirtiGhufran, Mohammad
24-Dec-2019Child marriage and widowhood in Tamil Nadu A study 1891 to 1978Banumathi, JRPremalatha, PN
17-Oct-2018Current issues related to widowhood among rural and urban areas a comparative study in Dindigul districtAnji, AVelumani, K
3-Feb-2016Facets of exploitation of women in ancient IndiaJha,SudhaPanjwani,Preeti
7-Jun-2016Hindu widows a study in deprivationPatil, Gobavari DMudbidri, Anil G
25-Jul-2017Position of women under the peshwas a socio_legal studyYavalkar-Athalye, PratibhaVarma, S J
3-Sep-2019Social network and social support of Tamil brahmin widows in KeralaDonna JohnSara Neena T.T
31-Jul-2018Socio economic condition of the Bengali Hindu widowsChakraborty, PanchaliManna, Samita
5-Sep-2022The status of widows_ a a demographic analysisSunitha, SKrishnakumari, K
23-Mar-2018Unveiling Widowhood Shifting Locations in Selected Indian NarrativesGladin RoseJanaky Sreedharan
14-Mar-2022Vaidhavay ka Samajik Itihas evam Vidhvao ka Punarvas Varanasi ke Sandarbh mein ek AdhyayanSharma, ManishJha, Minakshi
14-Nov-2024Vaidhavy ka saamajik itihaas ewam vidhavaon ka punarvaas Varanasi ke sandarbh mein ek aadhyanSharma, ManishaJha, Meenakshi
28-Jul-2017Widowhood in colonial Bengal 1850 to 1930Chakrabarti, AisikaSen, Samita
11-Apr-2016Widows and widowhood in the colonial PunjabBindu, BinduGrewal, Reeta