Browsing by Keyword Wholesale

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
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12-Oct-2017A study of emerging trends in agricultural marketing from conventional to electronic marketing systemKalhapure, Balasaheb BabanraoKarmadkar, Prakash H
12-Jun-2017Commodity taxation in NepalKhadka, Rup BahadurNadkarni, A S
18-Dec-2015Consumer behaviour towards organized retailRao,A. VenkateswaraRao,K. Venugopal
18-Dec-2015Consumer behaviour towards retail outlets and private labelsReddy,A. Hari Hara NathRao,K. Venugopal
16-May-2017Trade and export instability in the Asean economies _1960 to 1975_Murthy, GautamBapat, B G