Browsing by Keyword Wheat crop
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Upload Date | Title | Researcher | Guide(s) |
15-Jul-2015 | Aeromychological studies over wheat crop field at Raipur | Sahu, Kaushilya | Tiwari, K L |
9-Jan-2019 | Effects of sugar industry effluents on soil characteristics and wheat crop | Sangeeta | Devi, Rani |
26-May-2015 | Emergence of wheat rice crop rotation and its environmental effects in Punjab 1970 to 2010 | Sharma, Pooja | Sohal, K S |
31-Mar-2015 | Yield prediction of wheat crop Based upon remote sensing and GIS : | Zand, Farhad | Jayashree, P |