Browsing by Keyword Well being

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Upload DateTitleResearcherGuide(s)
28-Feb-2018Academic achievement and psychological Well being of secondary school students in relation to their emotional intelligence and self efficacySusheelaKhajuria, Jyoti
1-Jul-2020An investigation of eudaimonic well-being with respect to personality traits and work-life balance: a study among Indian business school teachersSoni, PoojaBakhru, Kanupriya Misra
20-Jul-2018Cognitive emotional regulation and workplace spirituality as predictors of empowerment life satisfaction and well being among working womenKukreja, TanuJyotsana
9-Jun-2022Effect of positive psychology techniques on well being problem solving ability and academic achievement of adolescentsNagpal, VanikaSarabjit Kaur
29-Jul-2022Impact of environmental education programme on responsible environmental behaviour and well being of adolescentsSachdeva, NehaSarabjit Kaur
13-Dec-2022Professional commitment of secondary school English teachers in relation to self efficacy well being and perceived social supportArbol, MonikaNand Kishor
11-Aug-2023Professional commitment of secondary school English teachers in relation to self efficacy well being and perceived social supportArbol, MonikaNand Kishor
27-Dec-2023Professional commitment of secondary school English teachers in relation to self efficacy well being and perceived social supportArbol, MonikaNand Kishor
4-Feb-2020Well being in relation to emotional intelligence intelligence and personalitySanjeev KumariRanjana