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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
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22-May-2023A study of India Vietnam strategic partnership challenges and prospectsHarmanpreet SinghWaraich, Jaskaran Singh
10-Mar-2014Ethnic minorities in Vietnam: a case study of the HOA peopleDeepak, SinghDas, Parimal Kumar
28-Dec-2021India s policy towards Vietnam since 1975Chakraborti, TridibBhattacharjee, G. P.
30-Jan-2024Indo U S relations a case of co operation and conflictMohite, DilipKamath, P M
21-Jul-2014Limited war in the nuclear age: a study of Americas warfighting doctrines and its military involvement in VietnamSingh, SwaranZuberi, M
18-Mar-2016Media coverage of the kargil war may july 1999 the role of private satellite television channels in moulding public opinionNeelamalar, MViswanathan, D
15-Jun-2017Study of market perception fot select Indian automobile components in Indonesia Thailand and Vietnam marketsWagh Santosh RajaramKulkarni Ashok Vasant
10-Feb-2015Technology collaboration in the context of a shift to market economy a case study of VietnamTan, Thai VanMukarjee, I N and Ghoshal, Baladas
5-Jan-2016The impact of war in Vietnam on the indian subcontinentBado, Bashi RamRao, V Venkata
1-Jan-2014U.S.disengagement in vietnam: 1968-76Nanda, Sarat KumarNaidu, G V C
3-Jul-2014United States and vietnam 1945-1954 : United States policy towards the Vietnam question during the period, 1945-1954Kaushik, SusheelaVenkataramani,M S
12-Dec-2013Vietnam's china policy 1972-1985Parast, S YeganeshJha, Ganganath