Browsing by Keyword Turbulent

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
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6-Jan-2016A study of plasma maser effect in space plasmasSaikia, Bipul KumarBujarbarua, S
4-Jan-2016A study on plasma maser theory for a turbulent plasmaSarma, Khanindra KumarDas, U N
18-Aug-2017Advances in turbulenceMishra, Arvind KumarSingh, B P
16-Nov-2017Analysis of beam propagation characteristics and different modulation techniques in turbulent atmosphere for free space optical communicationP, Arul Teen YPillai, T V Sivasubramonia
22-Sep-2017Apodisation of telescopes working in a turbulent mediumHazra, LakshminarayanD E, M
17-Sep-2019CFD prediction of the heat transfer and friction characteristics of partially decaying and full length swirl flows in tubes due to twisted tape inserts for the turbulent flow regimeYadav, Rupesh JaisingPadalkar, Atul S
14-Mar-2018Effect of AL2O3 water nanofluid on thermal performance of shell and tube heat exchanger with wire coil insertM, RajaVijayan, R
4-Mar-2016Experimental and numerical investigations of turbulent mixing of subsonic heated air jets in a co axial configurationIlangovan, VMahalakshmi, NV
18-Sep-2019Numerical modelling of unsteady turbulent open channel flows_ Application of higher order accurate and compact numerical schemeBagheri, JafarKumar Das, Samir
11-Mar-2016On certain theoretical studies in hydrodynamic and electromagnetohydrodynamic lubricationPrajapati, BLJani, AR
30-Jan-2019Orissa in Indian national Congress deliberations and policies 1885 1960Biswal, ChinmayeePatnaik, Himansu S
18-May-2016Politics of subversion in novels of Amitav GhoshSharma, JimmySyal, Pushpinder
25-Oct-2016Raja Mahendra Pratap and Indian freedom movementHoom, RamakantaPatnaik, A K
20-Jun-2017Some aspects of turbulent medium studied from statistical ideaChanda, AmitabhaGhosh, K M
2-Aug-2018Some problems of boundary layer flow and their computationsSur, AbhiSanyal, D C; Mazumdar, H P