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Showing results 1 to 20 of 38  next >
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27-Jan-2017A critical study of stutis in the shaiva puranasTrivedi, Banshi HareshkumarJoshi, Durgaben N
12-Apr-2017A critical study of the concept of god in the vedanta systemThatte, Anuradha ArunRahurkar, V G
27-Jan-2017A study of the course episodes in the puranasKar, SatyanarayanSatapathy, Chaturbhuja
21-Feb-2017Analytical study of mathematical calculations in vastuvidyaSreelatha, M NOuseph, P V
28-Jul-2017Arts in the puranasJeste, Meena DevadattaPusalkar, A D
11-Oct-2017Astronomy in Puranas a studyRajgor, Atrikumar NavalshankarbhaiTrivedi, Kashyapbhai M
28-Dec-2021Churning of the ocean in the epics and the puranas A critical studyPanda, GopinathGoswami, Sitanath
11-Jul-2014Concept of nationalism in the Ramayan and MahabharataSaha, TriptiPokhrel, Shanti and Bhattacharjee, Sankar
20-Nov-2023dietetics in the puranasMestry, Rupa GaneshMahulikar, Gauri P
20-Feb-2017Educational ideas in Bhagavad Gita and its relevance to modern worldPeethambaran Pillai, KSukumaran Nair, R
5-Jan-2024Evolution of rituals in visnu temple utsavas with special reference to Srirangam Tirumalai kanciParthasarathy, VanamalaVenkatachari, K K A
3-May-2016Exposition of yoga tenets in the puranas a critical and comparative studyJoshi, Ritesh UmashankarWadekar,M L
24-Jan-2017Glimpses of gujarat in the principal puranas a critical studyPatel, Bipinkumar HrmrajbhaiBaldha, C V
18-May-2016Guru Nanaks concept of NAMKhak, Kirpal SinghShan, Harnam Singh
20-Feb-2017Historical social and cultural gleanings in the campu kavyas of KeralaMini, TSreedevi, K P
25-Apr-2016Kevaladvaita in adhyatmaramayana a studyChandrashekhar,Pandit GargiJani,Jaydev A
23-Sep-2022Morphology of sanskritMorassa SayadiMaheswaran Nair, K
22-Jan-2024Nalakatha in Sanskrit literatureIyer, Visalakshi SUpadhyaya, S A
10-Jun-2015Prabhaslila of lord Shri Krishna a study with reference to Mahabharata and PuranasMakawana, Bharti PrvinbhaiShreemali, T L
11-Oct-2017Problems and Challenges of Devadasis A Sociological Study of Bijapur DistrictBadiger Vidyawanthi,DHiremath,S.L