Browsing by Keyword Nonelectrolytes

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
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17-Dec-2015Some studies with ion exchange materialsShah,R SBafna,S L
17-Dec-2015Studies with ion exchangersHegde,Ramesh SubbayyaBafna,S L
18-Dec-2015Ultrasonic behaviour of aqueous solutions of nonelectrolytesSubbarangaiah,K.Subrahmanyam,S. V.
8-Jan-2016Ultrasonic behaviour of dilute solutions of water in nonelectrolytesRamakrishna,V.Manohara Murthy,N.
28-Dec-2015Ultrasonic studies in dilute solutions of water in a few nonelectrolytesVenkata Ramana,G.Murthy,N. Manohara