Browsing by Keyword Nitrite

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
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26-Sep-2022Ecobiology of ashtamudi estuary with to anthropogenic interventions in the kanjiracode kayalVishnu S, RajBenno Pereira, F G and Suryanarayanan, H
26-Aug-2022Evaluation of heavy metal pollution in lower reaches of periyar river in KeralaNimisha, PSheeba, S
22-Jan-2024N nitrosamines in foodsJadhav, S SKulkarni, P R
14-Nov-2023Some physical and chemical studies on the coastal marine environment of Goa West Coast of IndiaSingbal, Sadananda Y SGhosh, B N
13-Jun-2017Studies on complexes of chromium _III_ catalytic effects in the reactions of chromium3plus with some aminopolycarboxylic acidsPhatak, G MShankar, Jagdish
24-Sep-2018Studies on physico chemical characteristics of Purna river with special reference to its impact on river ecologyShubhachandra, Meitel NongthombamPatil, Prakash M
28-Jul-2017Studies on polynuclear transition metal complexes with some N N O donor schiff base ligandsNaiya, SubrataGhosh, Ashutosh
11-Jun-2024Study of physico chemical characteristic of waste efflulent of electroplating and drug industries from nanded districtBachewar, Mahesh SMehta, B H
11-Jun-2024Study of physico chemical characteristic of waste efflulent of electroplating and drug industries from nanded districtBachewar, Mahesh SMehta, B H
21-Feb-2024Study of physico chemical characteristic of waste efflulent of electroplating and drug industries from nanded districtBachewar, Mahesh SMehta, B H
28-Aug-2024Study of physico chemical characteristic of waste efflulent of electroplating and drug industries from nanded districtBachewar, Mahesh SMehta, B H
17-Sep-2024Study of physico chemical characteristic of waste efflulent of electroplating and drug industries from Nanded districtBachewar, Mahesh SMehta, B H