Browsing by Keyword Nitrification

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
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28-Dec-2015Autotrophic nitrification in rhizosphere and non rhizosphere soils as influenced by pesticidesRevathi,M.Venkateswarlu,K.
6-Sep-2011Development of bioreactors for nitrifying water in closed system hatcheries of penaeid and non-penaeid prawnsAchutha, CiniSingh, I S Bright
11-Aug-2015Experimental studies on impacts of pesticides on litter decomposition soil fertility and organisms in a soil litter systemPandya,M KVyas,A B
8-Jan-2016Heterotrophic nitrification in fungal species as affected by nitrophenolsBharathi,P. MadhaviVenkateswarlu,K.
17-Aug-2018Microbiological investigations of nitrogen cycle and water quality in the air breathing catfish farming and polyculture systemsBarat, SudipJana, B B
12-May-2017Nitrification and nutrient mineralisation in abandoned shifting cultivation systems of kangchup hill Manipur North East IndiaRajkumari, Binarani DeviYadava, P S
25-Jan-2019Performance modeling of a laboratory scale Sequential Batch Reactor SBR for treatment of Carbon Nitrogen and Phosphorous bearing industrial wastewaterKundu, PradyutMukherjee, Somnath and Debsarkar, Anupam
25-Aug-2015Pesticide effects on non target soil microorganismsPatel,Baladev VDesai,S G
9-Aug-2018Responses of some biogeochemical cycling bacteria and modification of their activities to certain aquachemicals and aquaculture practicesJana, Tapas KumarJana, B B
21-Aug-2015Studies on nitrifying microorganisms in Cochin Estuary and adjacent coastal watersVipindas, P VShanta, Achuthankutty
17-Dec-2015Studies on slow release fertilizersVidyasagar,AAgrawal,Y K
2-Jun-2016Studies on the interaction of soil microorganisms and dithiocarbamatesKaran, ChandGupta, K G