Browsing by Keyword Molecular genetics

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 29  next >
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16-Jul-2020An in silico study on identification and characterization of Resistant Avirulence genes and their interaction in selected cereal cropsDehury, BudheswarDutta Choudhury, Manabendra
29-Dec-2022An integrative machine learning and evolutionary systems medicine study on the genomic biomarkers of multiple cancer typesLalremmawia, HBasant K, Tiwary
29-Dec-2020Cytogenetic and molecular genetic evaluation of congenital anomalies with special emphasis to congenital heart diseasesDivya CKutty, A V Moideen
26-Apr-2022Diversity of culturable and non culturable bacteria from compostChandna, PiyushKuhad, Ramesh Chander
6-Jun-2022Engineering tungro resistance sequence analysis and fine mapping of negative promoter element of rice tungro bacilliform virusSharma, ShwetaDasgupta, Indranil
26-Apr-2022Functional analysis of rice genes through virus induced gene silencing and study of RNA silencing suppressors in rice tungro bacilliform virusRavi KantDasgupta, Indranil
7-Jul-2023 Genetic and Molecular Profiling of FIX FACTOR 9 Gene of Haemophilia B in KarnatakaKulkarni, SujayendraBulgouda, Rudragouda and Kolagi, Sanjeev I and Gai, Pramod B
13-Oct-2023Genetic Association Studies to Find Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms Role in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients in North Indian PopulationSingh, Inder MohanAnupama Mahajan, Gurinder Mohan, Swarkar Sharma
4-Jul-2022Genetic linkage and linkage disequilibrium mapping of apomixis specific genomic region in Cenchrus ciliaris L using molecular markersYadav, Chandra BhanBhat, Vishnu
25-Apr-2022Genetic manipulations and genomic analysis of Rrifamycin producer amycolatopsis mediterraneiMukherjee, UditaRup Lal
31-May-2022Genomic differences between clinical and non clinical strains of Yersinia enterocolitica isolated from IndiaPradeep KumarVirdi, J S
9-Apr-2024In silico and in vitro studies on the molecular genetic of Parkinsons disease and the impact of autophagy enhancers on and#945; synucleinGupta, GarimaJoshi, Deepika
6-Sep-2022Insights into heat shock factors in rice oryza sativa lMittal, DheerajMittal, Dheeraj
7-Sep-2020Molecular and biochemical studies on misfolded protein in preeclampsiaChandrakala NSharath B and Sheela S R
18-Nov-2021Molecular and genetic studies in cervical Cancer the mechanisms of apoptosis And autophagy pathwaysModi, ArushaNarayan, G and Pradhan, S
13-Jun-2022Molecular cloning and isolation of the gene responsible for propyl glucosinolate in brassica junceaSharma, ManishaPradhan, Akshay K
11-May-2022Molecular genetic basis of dilated cardiomyopathyDas, SoumiMurry, Benrithung
6-Dec-2023Molecular Genetic Studies on Congenital Limb Malformations in Eastern Indian PopulationSingh, Chandra BhanAli, Akhtar
6-Dec-2023Molecular Genetic Studies on Congenital Limb Malformations in Eastern Indian PopulationSingh, Chandra BhanAli, Akhtar
27-Jul-2023Molecular genetics and genetic engineering of mcra gene ii of E coliSHIVAPRIYA. RK. DHARMALINGAM