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Showing results 1 to 20 of 58  next >
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4-Dec-2020A Heme peroxidase from the latex of medicinal plant Euphorbia tirucalli Biochemical Biophysical Computational and Functional aspectsShukla, AnkitaMedicherla, J V
18-Jan-2022A mangrove actinobacterium of SundarbansTaxonomical identification and exploration of metabolite production and biological activitiesBiswas, KaushikMukherjee, Joydeep
11-Sep-2019Alpha amylase from Bacillus species NCIM 5250_ isolation and biochemical characterisationMeenakshi, CSabharwal, Sushma G
12-Jan-2023Analysis of breast cancer specific miRNA mRNA TF relationship using genomic signal processing techniquesGabriel, Binthiya SunyThomas, Tessamma
8-Mar-2014Antarctic cyanobacteria: cold adaptationChintalapati, Suresh KumarShivaji S
29-Dec-2022Anticancer potential of photoactivated manganese based carbon monoxide releasing molecule MnCORM and its molecular interaction with human serum albuminVidhyapriya, PSakthivel, N
17-Nov-2021Biochemical and molecular analysis of AtDREB1A and BcZAT12 transcription factors in transgenic tomato Solanum lycopersicum Mill under drought stressRam KrishnaVerma, Jay Prakash
15-Dec-2023Biochemical and Molecular Basis of Seasonal Adaptation in a liverwort Dumortiera HirsutaYadav, SandhyaMishra, Yogesh
2-Dec-2013Characterization of Myosin protein(s) of Leishmania donovaniSanthaRam K SGupta, C M
7-Mar-2014Characterization of the initiating transcription complex in Escherichia ColiRaghavan, ArvindChatterji, Dipankar
16-Jun-2022Design and Synthesis of Heterocyclic Molecule of Biological Importance Using Multi Component ApproachKumar, VipinSaha, Biswajit and Mahajan, Dinesh
30-Mar-2020Development of a high yield expression system for the production of recombinant human gm csf protein for therapeutic applicationsBajji, ChitraTummuru, Murali K R
21-Oct-2013Ecophysiological and molecular biological studies on organotin tolerant marine bacteria of GoaKrishna Murthy RDubey, Santosh Kumar
7-Feb-2014Elucidating the structural basis of the editing mechanism in an archaeal aminoacyl-tRNA synthetaseHussain, TanweerSankaranarayanan, Rajan
11-Oct-2023Evaluation and Molecular Expression of miRNAs miRNA21 an miRNA122 in Hepatocellular CarcinomaKumar, NishantSharma, Nishesh
27-Nov-2013Functional and structural characterization of actin from Leishmania donovaniKapoor, PrabodhGupta, C M
2-Dec-2013Functional and structural characterization of ADF/cofilin homologue from Leishmania donovaniSatish Tammana T VGupta, C M
4-Jul-2022Genetic linkage and linkage disequilibrium mapping of apomixis specific genomic region in Cenchrus ciliaris L using molecular markersYadav, Chandra BhanBhat, Vishnu
3-Mar-2014Genomic alterations: sequence changes associated with repeatsSingh, VipinRachel, A J
4-Feb-2021Glycobiology of the human lacrimal drainage systemAli, Mohammad JavedN Siva Kumar