Browsing by Keyword Moisture

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 77  next >
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18-Mar-2016A study on the spirality physical properties handle ad pad batch method of weft knitted fabricsChandramohan, GPeermohamed, A
21-Mar-2016A study on the spirality physical properties handle and pad batch method of weft knitted fabricsChandramohan, GPeermohamed, A
10-Oct-2016Aerobic composting of various organic wastes natural and forced aerationUma, R NMeenambal, T
29-Dec-2023aici3 assisted conversion of uranium and lanthanide oxides to their coreesponding chorides in molten Lici KCi eutectic for pyrochemical reprocessingNIBEDITA SAMANTAProf ashish jain
16-May-2017An analytical study of the relationships between the agroclimatic parameters and the yields of important crops in the eastern region of ThailandTheinnoi, Vichai PuangKshirsagar, K P
7-Jun-2016Anion exchange selectivity in mixed solvent system DMF waterKatale, Shreekant PandurangNarke, C S
7-Jun-2016Anion exchange selectivity in mixed solvent system formamide waterVyasamudri, Y PNarke, C S
8-Jun-2016Anion exchange selectivity in mixed solvent system isopropanol_waterMath, Basavaraj VNarke, C S
14-Aug-2017Assessment of nitrogen requirement for wheat under varying soil moisture profileSingh, Rajendra PrasadDwivedi, D P
11-Mar-2016Biochemical and calorific aspects of HardwoodPatel, Tushar KPatel, J D
4-Jan-2016Biochemical and physicochemical properties of pineapple juiceRajalakshmi, SSarma, Soneswar
28-Dec-2023Biochemical and technological aspects of the utilisation of otolithus argenteusRamananda Rao, DVelankar, N K
4-Jun-2018Biochemical studies on leaf spot disease of brassica oleracea LIN caused by alternaria brassicae berk SACCMaitra, SnigdhaSamajpati, N
4-Jan-2016Biology bionomics and control of red ant dorylus orientalis westw infesting potatoKhaund, Jitendra NathChaudhuri, R P
5-May-2016Buckeye rot of tomato caused by Phytophthora Parasitica dasturSharma, Sunder LalSohi, H S
3-Apr-2017Characterization of syzygium cumini L fruit peel anthocyannis and their in silico studies as candidate inhibitors for hBest1 and RP2Sril lavvanya Priya, S.Renuka Devi, P.
25-Aug-2015Chemical constituents of algin bearing algaeMody,I CDatar,D S
1-Aug-2018Comparative studies on edible mushrooms cultivation and its nutritional valuesPatil, Shyam SDakore, H G
21-Jun-2017Comparison of different irrigation methods on moisture and salt displacements in heavy textured soil with special reference to use of poor quality waterDash, Nikunja BehariSen, H S
18-Jun-2015Design and analysis of fringe field capacitive and optical sensors used for the measurement of moisture temperature and refractive IndexSarmah, Pobon KumarSarma, K.C.