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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
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24-Oct-2023A comparative study of T S Eliot and B S Mardhekar as modernist poetsLaxman Babasaheb PatilPandey, Adya Prasad
17-Mar-2023A study of modern Indian sculptures in the collection of the government museum and art gallery ChandigarhGarg, NehaGrewal, Jagtej Kaur
5-Jan-2016A study of Shree Radha in the context of Priyapravasa and KanupriyaSarma, MalabikaSingh, Nandkisore
14-Oct-2016A study of the effect of differential TV viewing on certain personality traits of studentsTomar, SanjeevSharma, Hemant Lata
30-May-2017Changing concepts of authority power responsibility and accountabilityApte, Ranjana AvinashJoshi, P M
25-Jan-2017Chilakamarthi Lakshmi Narasimham - Champion of modernism A historical studySubramanyam, MRamalakshmi, P
24-Oct-2023Delineation of postmodern anxiety in the select novels of Don DeLilloBagal, Umeshkumar MurlidharNikam, Sudhir
8-Mar-2024Dimensions of living jaina perspectiveKhemani, SeemaAntarkar, S S
18-Aug-2017Elements of modernism and post _ modernism in William Faulkners novels with special reference to the representative novels _ the sound and the fury as I lay dying light in August and absalom absalomSharifi, NahidChopra, Silloo Suresh
23-Jun-2014Emerging congruent trends in modern art and poemRekha, KMathew, Beenamma
8-May-2017Feminism identity crisis diasporic imagination post modernism and narrative techniques in the novels of Bharati MukherjeeEkambaram, GSivajothi, K
10-Oct-2016From Modernism Through Exhaustion into PostmodernismBalasubramanian, K.Sriraman,T
7-Aug-2023Impact of Post Modernism in Nayantara Sahgals NovelsA.BRINTHA DEVIG.BASKARAN
10-Oct-2016Marxist Critiques of ModernismRamanujam, RengaPradhan, S.V.
26-Sep-2014Modern poetry in the making: a critical and pedagogical study of anthologiesSharan, M E VedaChandran, Narayana
6-Dec-2018Modernism in the poetry of nissim ezekielSasan,Bazgir BakshaliRao,R.Raj
24-Jul-2017Rationality in traditionalism and its relation with modern and postmodern knowledgeKashi, AbdoIIah GholamrezaRauta, Kalicharan
22-Apr-2016Situating contemporary Punjabi theatrical practice in the context of the trends in modern Indian drama 1970 to 2007Chowdhry, Neelam Man SinghBhandari, Rajinder
31-Dec-2013Surendra verma ke natako me parampara aur aadhunikta: bodh(सुरेंद्र वर्मा के नाटकों में परम्परा और आधुनिकता-बोध)Pal, Vijay(पाल, विजय)Sharma, Jyotisar
21-Apr-2016The post modern turn in Punjabi poetrySingh, DarshanSingh, Deepak Manmohan