Browsing by Keyword Lanthanides

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 36  next >
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8-Sep-2023Application of solvent extraction and ion exchange for the separation of actinides lanthanides and fission products from purex and thorex process streamsGopalakrishnan, VattappillyMathur, J N
10-Apr-2017Design and synthesis of supramolecular assemblies of organic and coordination complexesVarughese, SunilPedireddi, V R
14-Feb-2024Electronic spectra of tb3 eu3 and np4 ions in crystal field environmentPage, Arun GovindNarasimham, N A
10-Mar-2016Electronic structure and phase stability studies of some monopnictides and monochalcogenides under pressureTrinadh, Chitti Uma MaheswaraNatarajan, S
9-Oct-2015A first Principles study of the properties of nicket rich lanthanidesRana, PoojaVerma, U P
24-Jan-2024High resolution studies on spectra of lanthanidesAnkush, B KAhmad, Sayed Aftab
1-Feb-2024Instrumental neutron activation analysis of lanthanides and other elements employing 252C f and cirus reactor as thermal neutron sourcesNarkhede, Suhas SudhakarTurel, Z R
11-Aug-2015Investigations on some analytical reagentsDesai,J SGandhi,M H
5-Nov-2021Investigations on the Extraction Behavior of Actinides in Ionic Liquid Medium and the Physicochemical and Aggregation Properties of the ionic Liquid PhaseChebrolu Venkateshwara RaoK A Venkatesan
9-Oct-2023Laser spectroscopic investigations of lanthanides and actinidesPulhani, Anil KumarSuri, B M
24-Sep-2018Macrocyclic lanthanide chelatesBallal, Sunil DamodharraoDeshpande, M N
21-Mar-2020Micellar spectrophotometric studies of doped Pr_lll_ Nd_lll_ and Sm _III_ ions in the solution of semicarbazones and thiosemicarbazonesJain, RashmiBhojak, Narendar
25-Sep-2023Physico chemical studies for trace elements determinationRaut, Narendra MAggarwal, Suresh K
4-Sep-2018Potentiometric study of ternary complexes of carboxylic acids and amino acids with some metal ionsV, Mane GJoshi, S B
20-Dec-2023Preparation and characterisation of lanthanide mixed complexesBaindur, Rammohan ShamraoVakharia, M N
20-Dec-2023Preparation and characterisation of lanthanide mixed complexesBaindur, Rammohan ShamraoVakharia, M N
28-Sep-2018Preparation characterization and biological evaluation of inner transition metal complexes derived from heterocyclic Schiff basesRajewar, V RPingalkar, S R
26-Sep-2023Separation studies on trivalent actinides and lanthanides using novel ligandsBhattacharyya, ArunasisManchanda, V K
3-Oct-2023Structural investigation of some bivalent transition metal complexesMore, Paresh SuryakantMehta, B H
10-Jan-2018Studies on mixed ligand complexes of lanthanidesNayak, SanghamitraPanda, C